Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First Treatment

I've had a wart on the ring finger of my right hand for over a year now.  After a short study of the Amazon reviews for over the counter wart removal products I've decided to try Compound W Fast-Acting GEL.

This blog is to provide a photo review of the progress of the treatments.

I failed to take pictures of my wart before the first treatment.  For this I'm eternally sorry.  I'd describe the wart this way:

  • Diameter: 5 millimeters
  • Raised Height: 1.7 millimeters
  • Location: Right hand, outside ring finger, exactly between the finger tip and first knuckle
I'll use a pain scale from 0 - 10 to describe the pain I feel during the treatment.  0 = Cannot feel any pain or discomfort.  10 = Excruciating, removing the finger would feel better.

My first treatment occurred at 9:12 AM 06/04/2013.  These photos were taken at 2:45 PM 06/04/2013.  I applied the gel to the wart.  Once the gel dried I covered it with a bandage for 2 hours.

Process: I washed my hands. Then soaked that finger for 5 minutes in warm water.  After 5 minutes I dried my finger as best I could with a paper towel.  I then applied one drop to the top of the wart.  It wasn't enough to touch the skin around the wart.

Pain: 0 I didn't feel any pain or discomfort.  I actually didn't even feel the gel.  Not so much as a cooling sensation from the moisture.

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